Contract Vehicles
Check out all contracts of interest!

Marketplace for the Acquisition of Professional Services (MAPS)
Army MA-IDIQ knowledge-based professional services contract with 5 domains.

NASA GWAC providing Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and Audio-Visual (AV) products and services.

Alliant 3
Alliant 3 is multi-agency GWAC Information Technology (IT) and IT services-based solution for unrestricted business sizes.

SeaPort NxG Rolling Admissions II
SeaPort NxG is the contract vehicle to pursue if you want to do business with the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps.

OASIS+ is a $50+ billion, 10-year, IDIQ best-in-class Services Multi-Agency Contract focusing on 8 domains with 6 separate business pools.

Polaris is a 10-year multiple IDIQ Small Business GWAC for customized Information Technology (IT) services and IT services-based solutions.

GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS)
Long-term IDIQ contracts that provide Government with access to commercial products and services.

"The Trident team provided exceptional and timely support. [They are] very knowledgeable about responding to Gov't RFPs. Worked tirelessly to get the proposal submitted on time; Coordinated multiple volumes with different persons simultaneously."
-- Massachusetts-based Fortune 500 company