Contact Trident Today

Proposal Support Services

Focused Team Working

Management, Development, and Coaching Support When and Where You Need It

Our proposal writing process goes beyond just the numbers and details. It's a representation of your company's unique strengths, skills, and knowledge. Our team of experts, located across the globe, will help you stand out from the competition by showcasing the factors that set you apart.

From the ins and outs of Federal Acquisition Regulations to agency-specific procurement, our proposal gurus will guide your team every step of the way. Together, we'll craft a winning bid that showcases your company's value and leaves a lasting impression.

Collaborative, Constructive, Comprehensive 

Let Us Be Your Trusted Partner


Proposal Management

Keep your team on-track and synchronized throughout the response with our easy-to-follow, proven proposal management process.  

Paper and Pen

Proposal Development

Elevate your proposal beyond compliant to competitive with our value-add outlining, writing, editing, compliance, and review services. 

Speaker at Podium

Oral Presentations

Improve your performance through disciplined practice and a proven curriculum tailored to your customer agency and presentation format.   

Paper and Pen

Proposal Graphics

Let our talented graphic designers take your PowerPoint or Project design and turn it into something that flows and is easy for evaluators to follow. 

Let's Work Together

FREE! Proposal
Quick Start Guide

6 Steps to Consistent Success 

Trident's Quick Start Guide from our FastProp process consolidates the lessons learned and proposal management experience your capture and proposal team need to succeed. Eliminate guesswork, rework, and mistakes using the same proven guide our experts use.

Free Download: Proposal Quick Start Guide

Fill in the form below to access our free download.

Write Compelling Proposals Now 

Our FastProp Process is an agile, iterative process that breaks down the proposal cycle in six phases: Prepare, Kickoff, Outline, Review, Revise, and Submit. This process will keep your team well organized and on track. 

Learn More

"Trident did an amazing job putting our proposal together. Without them we would have been lost because there are so many aspects and components to proposal writing that we don't deal with on a regular basis."

Massachusetts-based Fortune 500 company