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GSA Polaris GWAC Info Hub

June 1, 2024:Ā GSA said, "Polaris offers remain under evaluation. Awards are planned to begin in FY24. GSA will provide status updates as applicable on"

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GSA Polaris GWAC Info Hub

From capture plans to pre-solicitation checklists, proposal plans, and bid/no bid evaluations, this hub has all the information you need. 

Discover Everything on Polaris here – Past webinars, blogs, and free downloadable content.

If you're looking for our current GWAC efforts, pop on over to our OASIS+ page to see how YOU can get in on this effort. 

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Webinar Library

We have a slew of great resources in our FREE webinars. Check out the last webinar we hosted here, and visit our YouTube Channel for our full webinar library. 

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YouTube Polaris Video Library

Check out Trident's Polaris video resources in our YouTube channel. From the latest in our Polaris webinar series to the latest solicitation updates; all in short video form.

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Polaris News

Follow our Polaris blogs for the latest news and analysis of the solicitation. Our capture and proposal SMEs digest for you the critical details to know and follow.

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''The availability of support provided was crucial on this effort. The professionalism was top-notch. The tech editing performed was very good. TRIDENT helped us with proposal management support, helping our proposal effort stay on track, facilitating inter-proposal communications, and scheduling and managing proposal meetings which was immensely helpful during a crunch time''.Ā 

-Ā VA-based Fortune 500 company
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