Contact Trident Today

Business Development Services

Turn Data into Intelligence that Unlocks More Business

Secure a contract with the U.S. government and dominate the competition with our Business Analyst support. We use a combination of open-source and premium databases to identify potential contracts that align with your business goals. Our team works closely with you to understand your unique priorities and creates a customized strategy that targets opportunities in your area of expertise.

Say goodbye to endless hours of searching for the right opportunities - let us handle the heavy lifting. Our Business Analysts integrate seamlessly into your team, allowing your business development team to focus on what they do best - building relationships and closing deals. Trust us to help you win big in the government contracting game.

Team Conversation

Our experts will help you pursue the bids that matter with our comprehensive business development services, including:


Addressable Market Research

Form a clear picture of contracting activity related to your service offerings and capabilities, and discover the acquisition processes and pathways your target customers use.

Magnifying Glass and Stopwatch

Pipeline Build & Management

Identify, validate, and track the contract opportunities that matter to your business without wasting your resources chasing bids you can’t win. 

Step-by-step strategy

Market Entry Strategy

Build effective roadmaps to actively engage the right government customers at the right time in the most impactful ways. 

Government Contract Paper

Government Contract Intelligence

Gain insight into specific programs and opportunities to understand desired outcomes and objectives from the government customers' point of view. 

I want to hear from your BD team

For top-notch Government Contracting support, contact us at
(571) 477-1945.

FREE DOWNLOAD! How toĀ Validate an OpportunityĀ 

Trident's easy-to-follow process helps your Business Development and Capture Teams review and validate opportunities before you add them to your pipeline.

Complete the form on the right to download your free copy today!

Free Download: Validating the Opportunity

Fill out the form below to download your free copy!

Proven BD process for every Capture Team

Our 4-step process helps ensure you're only pursuing the bids you know you can win. 

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Trident's 4-Step Research Process
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For small businesses like us by far the best support we received and looking forward to working with Trident team on many more proposals, We were using another company to help and when we switched over the Trident, the difference was evident. Trident provides information very clearly, when we were short on things, they provided clear reasons and where possible."

- VA-based Medium-sized Business